You might have heard a lot about [link pid=”495″]mommy makeovers[/link], and that’s because they’re growing in popularity with new mommies who want their pre-pregnancy body back. But, if you’re a seasoned mommy, you don’t have to feel like you’ve missed out. Mommy makeovers can be performed on recent mommies and seasoned ones alike. In fact, mommies that are beginning to see signs of aging can benefit even more from some of the customized procedures usually included in a mommy makeover. Here are some common questions about this procedure.
What is a Mommy Makeover?
Pregnancy and childbirth can cause radical changes in a woman’s body, and they’re not always easily reversible, even with diet and exercise. Things like excess skin due to stretching and fat deposits that are stored during pregnancy can sometimes only be corrected with a surgical procedure. The common areas treated are the stomach, breasts, hips, and pelvic area, but your plastic surgeon can help you determine what treatment plan is best for your unique anatomy and concerns.
What are the results and recovery like?
This will be specific to your procedure and recovery needs. Some mommy makeovers are not as extensive as others, and your plastic surgeon will make sure you understand what your recovery will look like. Because it’s a surgical procedure, however, you’ll need to undergo downtime to ensure you get the best results and stay healthy.
When is it too soon for a Mommy Makeover?
Although your plastic surgeon in Washington, DC can determine whether you’re a candidate for this procedure, there are certain things to take into consideration. You’ll need to be able to successfully undergo surgery and heal from it, meaning you’ll need to wait until your body is ready after pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing. You’ll also need to consider your further plans for children, as another pregnancy can reverse the great results you get from your mommy makeover. If you meet these criteria, however, a mommy makeover can be a life-changing way to get your confidence back.
If you are interested in a mommy makeover and would like to learn more, [link pid=”238″]contact our office[/link] to schedule a free consultation at our Washington, DC or northern Virginia locations.