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Are You Getting the Most out of Your Mommy Makeover?

Posted December 19, 2014 in Body, Mommy Makeover, Plastic Surgery | 4 Minute Read

Pregnancy and childbirth can be a rewarding, magical experience. But many mothers end up feeling disenchanted with their post-pregnancy bodies, given how the rigors of pregnancy and childbirth can wreak havoc on your physique.

During pregnancy, your body undergoes widespread changes, both outwardly and physiologically. On top of the expected physical changes to your skin, abdomen, and breasts, pregnancy could affect your respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and musculoskeletal systems—many of which can trigger undesirable aesthetic changes.

With all of this in mind, it’s not surprising that the “mommy makeover” combination of procedures is a popular option among mothers looking to regain their pre-pregnancy bodies.

The Traditional Mommy Makeover

From fixing loose skin to boosting saggy breast tissue, a mommy makeover is intended to fix the physical flaws remaining after the weight of pregnancy is lost. Mommy makeovers are tailored to each individual patient’s unique goals, but typically include one or more of the following procedures:

  • [link pid=”491″]Tummy tuck[/link] to remove excess skin and tighten remaining loose skin in the midsection.
  • [link pid=”489″]Liposuction[/link], usually performed with tummy tuck surgery, to address pockets of stubborn fat in the lower abdomen, flanks, hips, and thighs.
  • [link pid=”448″]Breast lift[/link] to restore a youthful shape and position to sagging breasts.
  • [link pid=”444″]Breast augmentation[/link], often performed with a breast lift, to add volume and shape back to breasts affected by size fluctuations.

While these procedures are the ones most commonly included in a mommy makeover, they only address the breast and body. The truth is that many moms are even more concerned about post-pregnancy skin problems tarnishing their previously clear complexions.

Get More Out of Your Mommy Makeover with Medical Grade Skin Remedies

The good news is, changes to your skin may be easier to address than you might think. You can also choose to have skin-beautifying treatments anytime, while tummy tucks and breast lifts are best put off until your family is complete.

Increased Breakouts

New mothers may notice an increase in acne, typically in areas susceptible to hormonal changes, such as the chin and jawline. Fortunately, there are a variety of skincare solutions that can help you achieve and maintain healthy skin:

  • A [link pid=”588″]VI Peel[/link] can clear acne, improve tone and texture, and reduce age spots in one treatment.
  • [link pid=”582″]Specialty facials[/link] can cleanse, clarify, and moisturize your skin, helping to reduce acne and prevent or treat acne scarring.
  • Medical-grade skincare products will help you maintain healthy, beautiful skin at home.

Post-Pregnancy Pigment Patches

Many women experience hyperpigmentation on the cheeks, nose, and top lip after giving birth. This strange phenomenon is often referred to as the “pregnancy mask” and will not always clear up naturally. [link pid=”544″]]IPL treatment[/link, also known as a “photofacial,” uses concentrated amounts of light to remove skin that has been altered in pigment. Pigment patches can be diminished in anywhere from three to six treatments, with each treatment lasting no longer than an hour.

Loose Skin

Although many mommy makeovers focus on using liposuction or abdominoplasty to address excess, sagging skin in the abdomen, other areas of the body may need a little help as well. Because pregnancy often comes with full-body weight fluctuations, women may find they have mild to moderate skin laxity on the face, neck, arms, or thighs. When surgical intervention isn’t wanted or necessary, [link pid=”563″]ThermiTight[/link] is a great, minimally invasive skin tightening solution.

If you want to “tune up” post-pregnancy, make sure you are getting the most out of your mommy makeover and taking advantage of both the surgical and nonsurgical options available. [link pid=”238″]Contact us[/link] today to schedule a consultation and let us help you design a personalized treatment plan.