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Breast Augmentations Triple In Red States

Posted April 30, 2013 in Breast, Breast Augmentation, News | 2 Minute Read

Do your politics affect your breasts? Politics aside, breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures for women throughout the United States with 1 in 300 women choosing to undergo plastic surgery to enlarge their breasts. But this procedure does seem to be more popular in certain areas.

According to Slate magazine, red states just seem to be more fond of curvaceous women, and many of the women in those states turn to breast implants to achieve that aesthetic. On the other side, it seems that populations less likely to consider getting breast implants are East Coast blue states. Can where you live affect the likelihood that you’ll undergo a breast augmentation? A lot of the South is red and hot. Do warmer climates affect the popularity of breast augmentations?

As a professional plastic surgery practice working with many women in and around the DC area, we get all types of preferences. The one thing we can say for sure is that the most important preference is your own. When you walk into our offices to discuss undergoing a breast augmentation, we work very closely with you to see if it helps achieve your goals. When we plan surgeries, we create a design that meets those goals. We take a very personalized approach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re liberal or conservative, we’ll reach across both sides of the aisle to give you the body that you desire. You are always welcome to our Annandale, VA, or Chevy Chase, MD, locations to talk about your aesthetic goals.