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Breast Implant Sizes Explained: Your Complete Guide

Posted November 30, 2024 in Breast Augmentation | 4 Minute Read

Female holding her breast with both hands

Breast implant sizing can be a little tricky, considering most patients think about their breasts in terms of cup size and general appearance. This blog details how implant sizes translate to cup sizes and how size affects the patient’s end result.

Breast Augmentation Choices

So you’ve decided to undergo breast augmentation, which is certainly exciting! This procedure gives you so many options for customization, which is great, but sometimes, it can get overwhelming. 

One of the main decisions you’ll have to make is the size you want for your implants. While you probably know your bra size and what it means, breast implants are sized on a completely different scale. Below, we’ll discuss how to decipher breast implant sizes, how they translate to cup sizes, and more.

What Do Breast Implant Sizes Mean?

Both silicone and saline breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (cc), which refers to the overall volume of the implant—you’ll hear your surgeon discuss your implants in these terms rather than cup size, which is likely what you’re more familiar with. 

The smallest breast implant is 80cc, although they usually start at 125cc and can range up to 800cc—but these sizes are less common. Most patients choose breast implants within the 300–500cc range, as this typically yields substantial results that don’t alter the patient’s frame too much. An easy cc reference is as follows: 

  • 150cc–200cc are on the smaller side
  • 300cc–350cc are common, mid-range sizes
  • Over 400cc is large

Keep in mind that cc refers only to the volume of the implant. Other factors influence the overall size and appearance of breast implants, such as the implant diameter, which determines the outline of the breast, and the implant profile, which is how far out the implant and breast project from the chest. Our breast implant page can help shed some light on these details.

How Do Implant CCs Translate to Bra Cup Sizes?

So, cc is the volume of the breast implant, but how does that translate to cup sizes? Although surgeons and medical professionals will use cc’s for reference, it’s helpful for the patient to envision their new look in comfortable parameters, so we’ve compiled a helpful chart. 

Keep in mind that cc doesn’t perfectly translate to cup sizes, so these are just estimates. Generally, each 150cc to 200cc is equivalent to one cup size increase. So if you are an A and get 200cc implants, you’ll be a B, and so on.

Breast Implant CCEstimated Cup Size Increase
250 to 300ccA to B
300 to 350ccA to C
370 to 430ccA to D
250 to 350ccB to C
350 to 400ccB to D
400 to 450ccB to DD
300 to 350ccC to D
370 to 450ccC to DD
450 to 550ccC to E
300 to 400ccD to DD
450 to 600ccD to E

How Does Implant Size Affect Your End Result?

An experienced, ethical plastic surgeon will not place just any size in any patient—implant size has a lot to do with the end result and affects your overall frame and aesthetic. 

For example, women with smaller frames (they are short in stature and are more petite) can easily look overtaken by their breasts if their implants are too big. Women with larger frames (taller with more physical mass or curves) can do with a larger size, as their bodies can balance it out—an implant that is too small, on the other hand, may look underwhelming. 

You also have to think about what you want for your end result: how much of a “wow” factor are you going for? Or are you looking for a more natural augmentation? Some women want to ensure they have noticeable cleavage, for example. Your surgeon can help you make the best choice only when you have a strong sense of what look you want. Working together, you can create the ideal aesthetic that you’ve always wanted.

Want to Learn More About Breast Implant Sizes and Breast Augmentation in Washington, D.C.?

Center for Plastic Surgery provides patients from the D.C. Metro Area, Tysons Corner, and Chevy Chase with a fully customized breast augmentation experience, including the expert opinions and care of our team of board-certified plastic surgeons and experienced support staff. Call one of our two offices to schedule a comprehensive consultation. 

Tysons Corner (703) 560-2850 Chevy Chase (301) 652-7700