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Can BOTOX Provide Long-Lasting Improvement?

Posted August 25, 2016 in Medical Spa | 2 Minute Read

Bitar Institute Can BOTOX Provide Long-Lasting Improvement?

How long does BOTOX last? If you thought just 3 to 4 months, here’s a pleasant surprise: when patients receive repeated treatments, BOTOX’s wrinkle-softening effects may extend beyond what’s expected.

According to a recent study, BOTOX® Cosmetic can not only help soften wrinkles that form with facial expressions—over time, repeating treatments can also help minimize glabellar lines that appear at rest.

While the effects of BOTOX are temporary, you’re not necessarily having to start from scratch each time. BOTOX appears to have a cumulative effect.

Study participants were given BOTOX in a series of 3 treatments, spaced 4 months apart. The vast majority experienced progressive improvement in the appearance of “resting” glabellar lines with each additional treatment. For some patients, these lines were eliminated after their second or third treatment. In other words, while the effects of BOTOX are temporary, you’re not necessarily having to start from scratch each time you come in for follow-up treatment—BOTOX appears to have a cumulative effect.

To be honest, we’re not surprised by the results of this study; rather, we’re excited to see they support what we’ve already observed: many of our patients seem to “unlearn” the habitual facial muscle contractions that lead to frown lines, crow’s feet, and brow furrows with regular BOTOX treatments, so that over time these lines fade more and more, even when at rest.

The benefit for patients is that eventually, you may need less BOTOX to maintain the same results, leading to more cost-effective treatment in the long run. One caveat—if you decide to stop BOTOX altogether, expression lines will eventually return, as you resume facial expression habits over time and the aging process continues. No treatment, not even BOTOX, can prevent wrinkles permanently.

Ready to say goodbye to frown lines? Come see us!

Because BOTOX affects each person a little differently—and poor administration of the treatment can leave you expressionless—it’s crucial to choose a provider with specific training and experience using BOTOX. We’ve been performing BOTOX injections in the Washington, DC area longer than nearly any other practice, so give us a call!

We’ll be happy to help you learn what you need to know at a free cosmetic consult. If it’s determined that BOTOX is a good option for you, we can usually perform injections during the same appointment.

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