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Cosmetic Pick-Me-Ups: They’re Not Just For The Gals

Posted September 06, 2012 in Plastic Surgery | 3 Minute Read

The tide has shifted.  This past year has had the media buzzing about the growing trend of men seeking cosmetic procedures.  For example, the term “Brotox” was coined (the nickname that fondly references men getting Botox).  From Botox to beer bellies, it seems the fellas are finally embracing the notion that they’d like to preserve and maintain a youthful appearance too!

It was once considered “aging well” for men to have etched in facial lines, often leaving women jealous that they could pull it off so to speak. These days, men seem to be at odds with this as they are seeking to subdue those facial lines.  One example of this is that men don’t want that “angry”, furrowed brow anymore, so they go for a little Botox in their forehead.  They’re also getting filler injected into their nasolabial folds (or “laugh lines”) to soften the creases from the nostril to the corners of the mouth to appear slightly less rugged and more refined.  The men’s skin care industry has started to boom as well, evident by the numerous ads for “manly” facial and shower products.

Aside from the increase in male patients that we’ve experienced here at CPS, the plastic surgery world has been chatting about this new development.  Numerous reports have been issued, one of which includes the annual statistics report from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) – and the numbers don’t lie.  In 2011, ASAPS reported a 10 percent increase in the amount of males getting Botox and a 14 percent increase in the amount of men who have had facelifts.  That’s merely the tip of the iceberg.  According to the ASAPS reports, the top five cosmetic surgeries for men in 2011 are liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose surgery), blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), gynecomastia (enlargement of the male breast and reduction of such) and facelifts.  Of the non-surgical procedures performed, the top five were Botox, dermal fillers, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, and IPL treatments (though the statistics don’t delineate how many were men and how many were women).

There appear to be several theories as to why the gents have had a change of attitude when it comes to cosmetic procedures.  One of the more prominent theories is that the generation of Baby Boomers are living longer, healthier lives than their predecessors and seem to hold themselves to a higher physical standard.  Others speculate that it’s to keep a competitive edge in the work force.  Regardless of the “why”, it’s a positive step for men.  Clearly, they’re wanting to reflect the youthful vigor they still feel inside!

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