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Are there options when considering facelift surgery?

Posted October 11, 2013 in Dermal Fillers, Face, Facelift | 2 Minute Read

The best results from [link pid=”509″]facelift surgery[/link] today come from a thorough evaluation of a patient’s facial concerns and then adapting the right approach for each patient. A cookie cutter procedure (done during “lunchtime “ or some other meal) is rarely successful or long lasting. Each patient’s situation can vary and may dictate a shorter scar or more complete procedure depending on the need. Don’t be confused by all the “named” facelift procedures that are heavily advertised and frequently are not done by a Plastic Surgeon!

Also we have been on the forefront of creating better results with adding “filler” such as the patient’s own fat or other fillers such as “JUVÉDERM” to fill out areas of the face that have lost volume with aging. Often overlooked is the rejuvenation of the skin which should be a part of any facial rejuvenation procedure. Some patients only need a quality [link pid=”576″]skin care program[/link] whereas others benefit from a peel or laser procedure during the facelift surgery. All these options need to be considered when evaluating the aging of the face. The only way to avoid confusion  is to seek the advise of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is experienced in facial surgery. Patients really appreciate the time taken to explain all options and also get the advise of one of our skin care professionals.

Men have additional concerns and options. Some men need a complete male facelift and some will benefit from a lesser procedure to focus solely on the “waddle” under the chin. The Anterior Neck Z plasty is a male only procedure that gives a great result for men with excess skin under the chin and has a significantly shorter recovery time. Men love this approach!  For the face there is no one size fits all procedure so come in for a full evaluation and all your questions can be answered…

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