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Getting Beach Body Ready – It Doesn’t Necessarily Involve A Bikini

Posted February 13, 2013 in Body, Favorites, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery for Men | 2 Minute Read

Who says getting your beach body is something only the ladies fret over?  The fact is, more and more men are taking an interest in their appearance these days.  For some, it’s Botox or skin care but for others, it involves something more.

According to plastic surgery statistics, male breast reduction is among the top five most popular cosmetic surgical procedures for men.  Being that gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) affects nearly half the men in our country, this doesn’t seem surprising.  Just like some women feel insecure with their small breasts, men feel insecure with larger than normal breasts.  Many men simply wish to look better both with and without their shirts.

Gynecomastia is common in men of any age.  The causes are thought to be associated with hormonal fluctuations, heredity or sometimes even disease.  Although it’s typically not a physically painful condition, gynecomastia can cause emotional pain and even prevent one from engaging in certain physical and intimate activities.

The most common approach to treating gynecomastia is liposuction.  It’s a surgical procedure that involves inserting a cannula (long tube) into the area and essentially “vacuuming” the fat out.  Being that liposuction is ideal for localized pockets of fat (or sometimes glandular tissue in this instance), it’s a great technique to achieve the patient’s desired results.  Like any plastic surgery procedure, it’s important that patients who are considering this treatment are considering it for themselves and not to please someone else.  Some of the best candidates are men who are healthy, within normal weight and in a position of breast enlargement stability.  Most patients who have this procedure have a relatively simple recovery period that involves bandages or dressing over the incision sites (which are very small) and a supportive compression garment to encourage the new chest contour during the healing process.

Though it may seem like a strange thought, the cooler winter months are the perfect time to pursue male breast reduction.  This allows for plenty of time for scheduling the consultation, procedure and recovery as well as implementing any exercise routines to enhance that contour. At CPS, we’re here to help you reach those goals in time to hit the sand – beach body ready!

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