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Get Great Results with Your Breast Augmentation

Posted January 23, 2014 in Breast, Breast Augmentation | 3 Minute Read

Did you know that you can do a lot to make sure you get a great breast augmentation result well before surgery? Researching breast implants and looking at photos online can help you get an idea of what you might like, but the real prep-work begins when you meet with your surgeon.

So, what do you need to talk about before you choose your breast implants? When you come in for your consultation about [link pid=”444″]breast augmentation[/link], we will discuss all of the following with you.

Important factors to consider before breast augmentation surgery:

  • Incision location, implant position and implant shape. Your surgeon will be your guide for these aspects of breast surgery. Our goal is to give you the most natural results possible with scars that are very difficult to detect once healed.
  • How you want to look after surgery. A “cookie cutter” approach where the plastic surgeon dictates size can lead to a lot of dissatisfaction. During the consultation process, we encourage our patients to communicate their preferences openly. This allows us to individualize breast augmentation to best match a patient’s expectations.
  • The most important decision usually comes down to implant size and type. We always work with our patients and help them to figure out what size implant would work well for them. Our patients vary a lot in their desired size so we have developed a very good system for “sizing” them prior to surgery. This is done by taking into account the existing breast size and showing patients how new implants will look.

When you are ready to choose your breast implants…

After coming to a decision on size, we will help you select the implant type you prefer. There are 2 main classes of implants—saline and silicone gel filled. Which should you choose? Although both types of implants have improved over the last 25 years, most of our breast augmentation patients today will choose the silicone gel implants. They have the greatest cosmetic similarity to natural breast tissue. Also, the newer silicone gel implants that we have had available for a number of years are “cohesive gel,” which is a significant improvement over the older types of gel.

New implant choices on the market in 2013

Last summer a new variation of these silicone gel implants, which are sometimes referred to as “gummy bear” implants, were made available. These are mostly anatomically shaped implants that have a slightly firmer, “highly cohesive” gel, which helps them hold their shape. We will have to see if there is any significant advantage to these new implants as they are more expensive.

As your surgery date approaches, keep in touch

After you have chosen your breast implants and scheduled a surgery date, be sure to keep in touch with your surgeon as necessary. It is perfectly normal to feel a little anxious as you get ready for surgery, so feel free to call with any questions. If you feel the need to come back in to discuss your choice of implants, we are here to listen. Chances are, after sharing your concerns, you will feel reassured about the implant size and type you have already chosen.

As always, the best way to get all the information about breast augmentation is to come in to the office for a [consultation]consultation[/consultation]. We will be sure to answer any questions you have so you can make the best decision for yourself.

Thanks, Wesley Price, MD

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