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What’s the Difference Between IPL and BBL Treatments?

Posted October 08, 2021 in Face, Laser Treatments, Medical Spa, Skincare | 3 Minute Read

Bitar Institute What’s the Difference Between IPL and BBL Treatments?

Women and men looking for the most effective laser skin treatment options at our Washington, DC, practice are sometimes confused about which procedure is right for them. At CPS, we offer state-of-the-art laser treatment options, including [link pid=”544″]intense pulsed light (IPL) and BroadBand Light (BBL)[/link]. These are 2 of the most popular nonsurgical skin rejuvenation treatments we offer.

What Do IPL and BBL Have in Common?

IPL and BBL treatments both use light energy to treat cosmetic skin conditions. Even though they are often called laser treatments, they don’t use laser wavelengths. You can think of IPL and BBL as really, really bright lights in which the duration and intensity of pulses can be adjusted to treat different issues.

IPL Treatments

IPL treatments are safe for use on exposed skin such as on the face, neck, chest, and hands.

  • What it treats: IPL procedures treat sun spots, age spots, rosacea, redness, dilated blood vessels, flushing, and large pores.
  • How it works: It uses a range of light waves that target issues hemoglobin and melanin in the skin, making redness and dark spots less visible.
  • Number of treatments: Most people need 3 to 5 treatments spaced one month apart to see the best results.

BBL Treatments

BBL treatments address a variety of skin concerns on the face, chest, hands, and neck, including:

  • What it treats: BBL treats freckles, age spots, small blood vessels, and uneven skin texture. It also improves skin firmness.
  • How it works: It uses light energy to heat the upper layers of the skin, stimulating new collagen production to improve skin health. The machine is equipped with cooling technology, ensuring that patients are comfortable during treatment.
  • Number of treatments: The number of treatments needed will depend on the individual and their aesthetic goals.

What Are the Side Effects of IPL and BBL?

Because both IPL and BBL treatments are noninvasive, patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the procedures. You may notice some redness, but it resolves on its own.

As you can see, both of these laser treatments can address common signs of skin aging, though they do so through different methods. The best way to determine which treatment option is right for you is through a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons.

If you are located in the Washington, DC, area and are interested in rejuvenating your complexion, contact our office today to [consultation]schedule a consultation[/consultation].

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