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Is Cosmetic Enhancement a Must for Men in DC?

Posted April 05, 2016 in BOTOX® Cosmetic, CoolSculpting®, Dermal Fillers, Favorites, Laser Treatments, Plastic Surgery for Men, Thermi RF Treatments | 3 Minute Read

Bitar Institute Is Cosmetic Enhancement a Must for Men in DC?

DC is a boom-town with thousands of competitive professionals—and we’re seeing an increasing number of male patients hoping to keep their edge or look better than ever.

Most of our male patients are looking to fight back against the toll that aging, stress, and long work hours can take on the face and body. Here are some of the treatments men favor here at Center for Plastic Surgery.

BOTOX® & Fillers: Smooth fine lines & wrinkles

BOTOX is the most popular anti-aging injectable on the market today—and currently around 10% of all BOTOX patients are men. Coined as “Brotox,” this treatment takes just a few minutes and lasts for about four months. It’s a great option for reducing the appearance of crow’s feet or a furrowed brow, common concerns among men who find they look frustrated or angry as they age.

To improve smile (or frown!) lines around the mouth or nose, or add a bit more volume and shape to a “sunken” face, we also often recommend dermal fillers to our male patients. Just like BOTOX, these injectables are loved for their great results and quick, comfortable treatment.

CoolSculpting®: The easiest way to slim down

Even if you always make time to hit the gym and are otherwise healthy and fit, fat doesn’t always play by the rules—and you can still have stubborn bulges that just won’t budge. It may not be enough to warrant scheduling liposuction, but CoolSculpting can help.

Perfect for busy professionals, this non-surgical procedure has quickly become one of our most popular fat reduction options among both men and women. Treatment only takes an hour, involves no needles or incisions, and you can pick up all your normal daily activities as soon as you leave our office. The best part is that your body will naturally shed a portion of the treated fat over the following months—and no one will guess you’ve had a procedure.

Specialty Skin Treatments: Reverse visible signs of aging, sun damage, & long hours

Lifestyle habits, stress, diet, and more can impact your skin, particularly as you get older. While starting a regular, healthy skincare routine early in life can help offset some of these effects, an expert touch is sometimes needed to reverse the tolls of sun exposure, sleepless nights, and long work hours.

For male patients, we often recommend a multi-tiered approach to improving concerns:

  • Laser skin resurfacing is a low-risk treatment that diminishes fine lines, reduces discoloration, and improves the overall complexion for a younger look and smoother, more touchable skin.
  • Thermi® tightening treatments are an effective, minimally invasive option for reducing jowling along the jawline, which is very common in men over 45.
  • Acne treatment works to clarify the skin and reduce acne, which can impact men of all ages—particularly those who are stressed or overworked.

Your choice is between you & your cosmetic practice

While cosmetic enhancement is trending with men both in DC and nationwide, only you know what is right for you. If you want expert opinions in a confidential setting, we invite you contact us today to schedule your complimentary cosmetic consultation. The board certified plastic surgeons and highly trained staff at Center for Plastic Surgery have worked with many men hoping to enhance or improve their appearance. We offer top-notch treatments in a private setting—and we are well-versed in discretion.

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