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Is the Mommy Makeover Just for Moms?

Posted July 14, 2020 in Body, Mommy Makeover | 3 Minute Read

Bitar Institute Is the Mommy Makeover Just for Moms?

The mommy makeover is a popular suite of procedures that sculpt and contour the body. However, just because “mommy” is in the name, it doesn’t mean all patients have to be mothers. Different women (and men) from all walks of life can benefit from the procedure’s toning and trimming. [link pid=”495″]Mommy makeover[/link] surgeries work for many different Washington, DC, patients who want to lift, tone, or shape many different areas of their bodies at once. However, some may benefit more than others from this particular surgery.

What is a mommy makeover? What procedures are included? 

A mommy makeover isn’t a single treatment. Rather, it’s a collection of different popular procedures that can be mixed and matched together for more comprehensive results. Common options include [link pid=”444″]breast augmentation[/link], breast lift, tummy tuck, and [link pid=”489″]liposuction[/link]. Some women also like to add vaginal rejuvenation treatments that tighten vaginal tissue affected by childbirth, age, or significant weight loss. 

When used together, these procedures flatten the midsection, lift breasts, and contour unwanted curves. The end result is more flattering and noticeable than any single procedure would be.

Who is a good candidate for a mommy makeover? 

The best mommy makeover candidates are those who want to contour multiple areas of their bodies. After all, many women struggle with more than one issue after pregnancy—such as sagging breasts and unwanted belly rolls —and wish to fix both problems at the same time. A mommy makeover can also benefit anyone who has experienced significant body changes. If you have lost or gained a large amount of weight and now have loose skin or unwanted fat, a mommy makeover could be for you.

Are mommy makeovers just for women? What is a “daddy do-over?” 

Mothers aren’t the only people whose bodies change over time. Both men and women benefit from body contouring. The “Daddy Do-Over” is a trendy name given to the combination of procedures that male patients choose from. For men, tummy tuck and liposuction are often included to tone the midsection and remove belly fat. And for facial rejuvenation, BOTOX® and dermal fillers can also be used, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

More men than ever are now considering cosmetic treatments. The Aesthetic Society reported a 67% increase in male patients seeking cosmetic procedures from 2010 to 2016, and that number continues to grow.

In the end, the best way to see if a mommy makeover is for you is to talk with your plastic surgeon. They will be able to assess your needs and guide you toward your best options. Our past mommy makeover patients show the great results this procedure can create. 

If you would like to learn more about body contouring plastic surgery at our Washington, DC, area practice, [consultation]request a consultation[/consultation] online. You can also contact our offices by phone at [phone-chevy-chase] (Chevy Chase, MD) or [phone-annandale] (Annandale, VA).