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So Long, Saddlebags! We Just Made CoolSculpting Better 

Posted May 30, 2014 in Medical Spa | 2 Minute Read

Want to send those pesky saddlebags packing without surgery? Well, now there’s an “app” for that. It’s called the Coolsmooth handpiece, and we can’t wait to tell you all about it.

CoolSculpting has been a huge hit with our patients, and it’s no surprise why. It’s a non-invasive treatment that lets you spot-reduce unwanted fat bulges without surgery, scars, or downtime. If you’re not familiar with how CoolSculpting works, here are the basics: it selectively freezes unwanted fat cells using a process called cryolipolysis. These fat cells die off, and your body eliminates them naturally over 2-3 months without any changes to your normal routine.

Coolsmooth now makes CoolSculpting even better—here’s why.

Traditional CoolSculpting uses a wide, two-sided panel that grabs onto the fatty bulge and gently pulls it up into the applicator to freeze the fat. It works great for areas like the lower belly or love handles, where there is adequate soft tissue to work with, but it isn’t suitable for reducing fat on thighs or other non-pinchable areas.

In contrast, the new Coolsmooth handpiece uses a flat panel that can be placed directly on the treatment area, so it doesn’t require a certain amount of tissue to grab onto. This opens up an array of possibilities for areas where CoolSculpting can be used:

  • We can help you reduce fat in more areas: outer thighs (a.k.a. saddlebags) in addition to the belly, hips and flanks.
  • We can address small (but bothersome) amounts of fat that the traditional applicator cannot grasp. This is great news for patients with a leaner body type.
  • Used in tandem with traditional CoolSculpting, we can help you achieve more comprehensive fat reduction without surgery. If you want to whittle away at your muffin top and saddlebags, just a few sessions can get the job done.

We’re excited to add the Coolsmooth to our non-surgical fat reduction options at Center for Plastic Surgery this summer, and we can’t wait to share it with you. If you have any questions, contact us! We’ll be happy to share the details at a personal CoolSculpting consultation with one of our surgeons.

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