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Mommy Makeovers: 5 Signs You’re Ready For It

Posted January 17, 2019 in News | 4 Minute Read

Bitar Institute Mommy Makeovers: 5 Signs You’re Ready For It

A [link pid=”495″]mommy makeover[/link] is a set of procedures that addresses problem areas of the body caused by pregnancy. Women of all ages who are through with having children can undergo the procedure if they meet the health criteria. With the mommy makeover, overall health is more important than age.

Physical health aside, a lot of other aspects come into deciding whether or not a mommy makeover is right for you. If you’ve been thinking about getting this procedure, then take these points under consideration.

What Are The Procedures Of A Mommy Makeover?

Because each patient’s body and goals are unique, the set of procedures depend on the patient’s main concerns and the surgeon’s recommendations. Typically, the following procedures are offered.

Breast Augmentation

The breasts can deflate due to pregnancy or breastfeeding. A [link pid=”444″]breast augmentation[/link] with implants or fat transfer can restore the lost breast volume and give them a fuller look.

Breast Lift

A [link pid=”448″]breast lift[/link] addresses sagging breasts, and it’s often combined with breast augmentation to bring back their perky and youthful appearance.


Through [link pid=”489″]liposuction[/link], pockets of fat are surgically removed for a more toned body contour. This procedure is usually combined with breast augmentation, tummy tuck, or Brazilian Butt Lift for optimal results for the body overall.

Tummy Tuck

The abdominal area stretches during pregnancy and sometimes does not return to its original size after labor, despite diet and exercise. A [link pid=”491″]tummy tuck[/link] surgically removes excess skin and makes your belly smoother and flat while tightening weakened muscles.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A [link pid=”493″]Brazilian Butt Lift[/link] adds volume to the patient’s butt. Fat harvested from the problem areas of the body are transferred to the buttocks to make the butt fuller and firmer.

Should You Get A Mommy Makeover?

As appealing as it is, a mommy maker isn’t for everybody who’s given birth. Here are five signs that mean a mommy makeover could be the right option for you:

  • You Had A C-section

A C-section pregnancy can leave you with a long scar that creams and laser treatments can’t completely. A tummy tuck is a way to improve the scarring while tightening up the abdominal area.

  • Your Body Has Fully Healed From Pregnancy

Childbirth is a traumatic event for the body. Not only does it drastically change the body, but it also wears out its nutritional reserves and energy. It could take six months or more for the body to heal and return to normal after giving birth.

  • You’ve Completely Weaned Your Child

It’s best to wait at least six months after you have stopped breastfeeding your baby to get a mommy makeover. The body tends to change again during this time period.

  • You’re Struggling To Lose The Baby Weight

Weight gain and fat buildup from pregnancy are hard to lose. If a comfortably active lifestyle doesn’t get rid of those stubborn fat deposits, then liposuction with a mommy makeover can help you go back to your former body.

  • Your Child-Bearing Days Are Over

The perfect time for a mommy makeover is when you’ve decided to stop bearing children for good. Pregnancy can undo the results of a mommy makeover, and you’ll have to undergo the same procedures to maintain your body.

Depending on your customized plan, a mommy makeover can be done in a day or completed in multiple phases. To ensure your safety and get the best results, choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon with board certification—like our doctors at Center for Plastic Surgery!

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We’ll see you and your ideal body at either of our two locations in Annandale, VA and Chevy Chase, MD!

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