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Parents Bridge The Age Gap With Plastic Surgery

Posted May 09, 2013 in Plastic Surgery | 2 Minute Read

Age can often be a touchy subject, especially when you’re an aging parent. With men and women increasingly choosing to pursue careers or life goals before having children, many American couples are waiting till their 30s or even their early 40s to have children. Ten or twenty years down the line, many parents are being mistaken for grandparents.

Has a child ever asked why your neck wobbles? Do you get asked if your infant is your granddaughter? After a while, that kind of thing can get to anyone. Many older parents have been turning to cosmetic surgery to turn back the clock and look more like the other parents at the playground.

Dorothy Nichols, 64-year-old mother of a 20 year old daughter, has heard all of these things.

She got tired of the humiliation and decided to take charge of the situation. Nichols started with a procedure that included a face, neck, and brow lift as well as some tightening around her eyes. Just two weeks after her surgery, Nichols and her daughter went to a beauty salon, and someone talking to her daughter referred to her as “your mother.”

“Did you hear what she said? ‘Your mother!’ In twenty years I had never heard that … never!” said Nichols.

If you are fed up with looking like your child’s grandparent, we are here to help. No matter what your choices may be, we can help you bridge the age gap through liposuction or facial procedures. We work with patients throughout the Washington, DC, metro area. Simply make an appointment to meet with one of our talented physicians at our Annandale, VA, or Chevy Chase, MD, location.