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Radiesse® in Washington, DC

Posted March 23, 2018 in Dermal Fillers | 2 Minute Read

What is Radiesse®?

Radiesse is an injectable wrinkle filler that adds volume and fullness to improve signs of aging. Even after Radiesse is injected, it continues to improve the skin by stimulating the body’s collagen production. Radiesse is formulated with calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres and has been proven to last up to one year. After the gel has been absorbed by the body, you will be left with only your own natural collagen that has developed over time.

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Who is a Candidate for Radiesse®?

If you are over the age of 21 and in good general health with aging concerns, you may be a good candidate for Belotero Balance. Belotero can be used to treat the following facial aging concerns:

  • Smile Lines – Avoid a tired and aged look by filling in nasolabial folds with Radiesse.
  • Marionette Lines – Patients can fill in these vertical lines with Radiesse to avoid the scowling or frowning look.
  • Pre-Jowl Folds – Radiesse can fill this area to improve the “hollow” look that occurs after volume loss.
  • Corners of the Mouth – Set in corner lines can be smoothed out easily with Radiesse injections.
  • Chin Wrinkles – Repetitive movement can cause a horizontal line to form across the chin. Radiesse can fill this line for a smooth surface
  • Hand rejuvenation – Radiesse smooths and minimizes the appearance of veins and tendons that are more obvious with volume loss.

What to Expect During your Radiesse® Treatment

After consulting with a CPS injector regarding your treatment goals, your injector will mark the areas you would like to inject and apply numbing cream for your comfort. Once the treatment areas are numb, they will begin injecting Radiesse into your areas of choice. The number and depth of the injections will vary depending on what area is being treated as well as the desired result.

Results & Recovery

Additional volume will be evident immediately; however, the treatment promotes enhanced long-lasting collagen production, continuing over a period of six months. After dermal fillers, there is little to no downtime required of the patient. There are a few side effects and activities to avoid for the first 24 hours post-treatment, these include: minor redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site is normal and should resolve within the week.