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Refine Your Contours, Define Your Waist, Defy Your Thighs!

Posted April 29, 2014 in Body, Breast | 3 Minute Read

Would you like to bring your body into better proportion before swimsuit season? Changes don’t have to be drastic to bring about an improvement in contour—but our happiest patients often have chosen to make changes in more than one area of their body.

The fact is that by combining a few targeted procedures, a skillful, experienced plastic surgeon can better refine your body. For example, breast augmentation makes the silhouette more curvaceous, but it won’t address concerns you may have about your body, such as a muffin top or saddlebags. But if you choose to combine that breast augmentation with liposuction to contour and sculpt the body with precision, your surgeon can bring greater harmony to the figure. And the good news is your recovery period will be nearly the same.

Choices for Change
If you feel your body needs to be brought into balance, come in and talk to us about your concerns. Your CPS plastic surgeon can assess your current silhouette and help you understand the best options to meet your personal aesthetic goals.

For example, if you’re thinking of combining breast and body procedures, we’ll first help you try on various breast implants during a sizing session so you can see how each option might affect your appearance. Then, based on your projected breast profile, your surgeon can guide you through the options for liposuction to complete your new look and achieve a balanced and feminine result*. Liposuction is most commonly used on the areas that are definitive to your body contours, such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs. We even offer different types of [link pid=”489″]liposuction[/link]—including standard tumescent, ultrasound-assisted, and laser-assisted—so the method can be personalized to your needs.

This two-step process has proven helpful to many of our patients, as they can consider both how they might look after breast augmentation alone and how combining procedures might enhance their results*, and then decide what’s best for them.

Combine Procedures for a Complete Body Makeover—and Savings
There are several benefits for combining cosmetic procedures. You’ll have only one recovery period, cost savings in the surgical facility, and a shapely, proportionate body to show off this summer! The downtime from both breast augmentation and liposuction procedures is relatively short, with exercise resumed in 3 to 4 weeks, depending on the extent of your liposuction surgery. The results* are seen quickly as well; in many patients, final results* from liposuction are seen after a couple of months, while the improvement from [link pid=”444″]\breast augmentation[/link] is seen immediately but refines over the course of several months. So generally speaking, you are likely to see the results* from each procedure peak at roughly the same time. Good news!

Now for even better news: we’re offering a special through the end of May. That’s right—you can get [link pid=”215″]exclusive savings on breast augmentation or liposuction[/link], or both, if you choose to combine the two. Please call us at 877.427.7888 to find out about this great offer! We look forward to telling you more about how to bring proportion and balance to your body—at last.

*Individual results vary.

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