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The “Light” Side of Beautiful Skin

Posted January 08, 2013 in Medical Spa | 2 Minute Read

We all have skin woes.  Some of us struggle with brown spots and hyperpigmentation, rosacea and broken capillaries, fine lines or uneven texture.  It’s very rare to meet someone who hasn’t had one (or all) of these issues – it’s a common denominator we all share.

The good news is there is technology available today to address all of the above skin conditions, and it’s contained in one revolutionary device called IPL Photofacial.  Short for intense pulsed light, IPL uses pulses of broad-spectrum light that penetrates deeply into the skin.  Once the light is at the deeper tissues, it’s converted to heat energy that allows for collagen stimulation while simultaneously treating the surface issues at hand.

The even better news is that IPL Photofacial treatments don’t require social downtime.  In fact, patients can immediately resume daily activities.  The actual treatment itself can usually be completed within an hour (at most), depending on the size of the treatment area.  Our patients report minimal discomfort which is temporary.

Ideally, a series of treatments, spaced at intervals, is used to achieve superlative results.  Although the results begin gradually at first, each treatment session builds on the previous and yields more distinct, marked improvement.  Ultimately, our patients enjoy an improved skin tone and texture, a reduced appearance of discoloration and an overall refreshed, rejuvenated look.  And because so many are pleased with the effects of their IPL treatments, most patients will schedule maintenance treatment sessions as needed to preserve the results they’ve accomplished.

At Center for Plastic Surgery, we precisely and expertly administer this non-invasive facial rejuvenation technology to suit your own personal skin care needs.  Come see the light and find out how IPL Photofacial treatments could be the solution for you!

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