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The Many Uses of Botox

Posted April 02, 2013 in Medical Spa | 2 Minute Read

Botox is the most popular injectable today. In recent years, statistics have shown that more than 5 million treatments are administered by board certified surgeons and qualified medical professionals each year. There are many benefits to choosing this over other injectables as well as an alternative to invasive surgical procedures. If you’re looking to change the way you see yourself in the mirror every morning, we highly recommend exploring the benefits of this cosmetic injectable.

Botox is also a great alternative to surgery. If you are looking to make only minor changes to your appearance, you do not have to invest money and recovery time into an invasive procedure. Treatment sessions generally last for 15 to 20 minutes. While some downtime after injection is encouraged, you can continue on with your day after treatment. This procedure is also approved for regular use, with results usually lasting up to four months. You can maintain your look easily with regular appointments throughout the year. It’s not just for wrinkles, though. Botox has lots of other uses as well.

Although Botox is most commonly known for its cosmetic use, you may be surprised to learn another way doctors are utilizing the injectable. Did you know that Botox can help keep people dry? For those dealing with excessive perspirations, injections can stop sweat glands from being stimulated, preventing the production of sweat.

We welcome you to our office to find out more about this popular injectable for your aesthetic goals. Who knows, you might find something special about your next Botox session in April.