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Why You Should Be Excited About Kybella

Posted August 27, 2015 in Medical Spa | 3 Minute Read

Bitar Institute Why You Should Be Excited About Kybella

Have you ever wished you could say goodbye to a double chin and say hello to a tighter and firmer jawline? Double chins can be troublesome, even for those with a generally slim physique or a healthy diet and exercise routine. Excess fat on the neck and under the chin can be a frustrating result of aging, genetics (thanks mom and dad!), or even minor weight gain.

The good news is we now have a nonsurgical way to reduce fat below the chin. Kybella™ is an injectable treatment that reduces the appearance of your double chin, improving your facial profile in just a few painless sessions. Feeling excited yet? We are, and here’s why:

Kybella is Safe, Effective, & Long-Lasting…With No Downtime!

Did you know it’s estimated that two thirds of consumers are frustrated by their double chin? The chin is one of the most difficult areas of the body to tone through diet and exercise alone, leaving much of the population stuck feeling unhappy with the appearance of their jawlines.

Traditionally, noticeable skin tightening and fat reduction in this area could only be achieved through more invasive surgical procedures—meaning people who didn’t want surgery had very few options. That’s where Kybella comes in.

Kybella uses deoxycholic acid (a naturally-occurring molecule that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat) to destroy fat cells in the chin area. The molecule is delivered through a series of injection sessions and, once the fat cells have been destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. Put simply, Kybella offers a long-lasting solution that involves no anesthesia, little-to-no downtime, and no time off work.

Kybella is Formulated Specifically for the Chin…For Now

It’s important to know that Kybella has only been tested and approved for use under the chin. Rigorous FDA testing has proven that the injections are safe and effective for reducing the appearance of a double chin, but it is not yet known if this technology could be applied to other parts of the body. Future applications may be limitless; only time will tell how Kybella or a similar product could reduce fat in other areas.

For now, if you’re looking for a way to treat fat in other areas of your body without surgery, consider CoolSculpting or CoolSmooth. These treatments offer some of the same benefits as Kybella, including long-lasting results* and no downtime. Whichever treatments you choose, you can trust Center for Plastic Surgery to help you safely reduce fat without surgery: we keep abreast of new techniques and offer only what has been proven to be safe and effective.

Ditch the Double Chin For Good

If you’re wondering where to find Kybella treatments in DC, look no further: Center for Plastic Surgery is now taking appointments for Kybella injections, and your [consultation]cosmetic consultation[/consultation] is always free. Give us a call or stop by to see how we can help you achieve a more beautiful jawline.

*Individual results may vary.

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