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Tummy Tuck for Men

Concerned with stubborn areas of fat and excess skin on your lower abdomen? If you’ve recently lost a significant amount of weight or are seeing the effects of aging, your skin elasticity and abdominal muscle structure may not be what they once were. To help tighten these areas and remove excess skin and fat, our plastic surgeons often recommend tummy tuck surgery for men from Washington, DC; Chevy Chase and Bethesda, MD; Arlington and Fairfax, VA; and surrounding areas.

man pinching his belly fat
Center For Plastic Surgery

Male Body Contouring After Weight Loss

Losing a large amount of weight is a big accomplishment that should be celebrated. Unfortunately, many men are left with hanging skin and stubborn fat bulges on the stomach that diet and exercise just won’t touch. A tummy tuck—also called abdominoplasty—can help you enjoy your hard-earned results by removing excess skin and fat, tightening your underlying abdominal muscles, and tightening the remaining skin. This creates smoother, tighter contours that highlight your abdominal muscles.

How Much Does a Male Tummy Tuck Cost in the Washington, DC, Metro Area?

The cost for a male tummy tuck starts at $13,000, depending on the amount of correction needed. We provide a specific price quote after your consultation with one of our providers. Qualified patients can take advantage of our patient financing options.

Before & After Photos

Body Lift Before
Body Lift After
This patient underwent a circumferential body lift after massive weight loss.
  • What to Expect From a Male Tummy Tuck

Our surgeons perform tummy tuck surgery with patients under general anesthesia in our accredited surgical suite or at Sibley Memorial Hospital. Depending on your individual needs and the specifics of your procedure, you may be required to stay overnight for your initial recovery. Your surgeon will begin by making a horizontal incision low on your abdomen, just above your pubic area in a natural skin fold to ensure resulting scars are as inconspicuous as possible.

Through this incision, your surgeon will separate the excess skin from the muscles of your abdominal wall. This will allow him to examine and evaluate your underlying muscle structure and repair any weakness or laxity that may be present. Once the muscles have been repaired, excess abdominal skin will be removed and remaining skin will be tightened.

If necessary, your surgeon will then perform liposuction to remove any deposits of stubborn fat in the area to ensure a flat, even outcome. Once the desired results have been achieved, your incision will be sutured and dressed, and you will be placed in a special compression garment to promote healing and protect your results.

CPS Surgeon Team


Choose the experts that locals know and trust. Our multigenerational practice includes board-certified plastic surgeons who provide the best possible care with state-of-the-art technology.

A Reputation Built on Results

What Is Recovery Like After a Tummy Tuck?

To reduce the accumulation of fluid in the area, you will likely be sent home with drains. Within three to five days, you will return to the office for your follow-up appointment and to have your drains removed. The support garment should be worn for around three weeks, but can be taken off when you shower or bathe.

After your procedure, you will experience swelling and some discomfort in the area. Your surgeon may prescribe oral pain medication to help manage this discomfort, and you should be feeling comfortable enough to resume light activities within a week to ten days. Strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least two to three weeks, though we encourage you to walk as soon as possible after surgery to reduce swelling and fluid accumulation.

Fit man putting on a shirt

Learn More About Your Body Contouring Options

If you’re interested in tummy tuck surgery or finding out about your other options, the first step is meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience performing plastic surgery on male patients. Men considering a tummy tuck in Chevy Chase, MD, or the DC area can contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our surgeons, where we can help you understand the benefits of this procedure and answer any questions you may have. You can also call us at (703) 560-2850.